The feedstock oil

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Diesel fuel

Product number:388


Added time:2013-03

 1. 0 # diesel oil (test results): 50% distillation temperature, ℃: 280; 90% distillation temperature, ℃: 343; 95% distillation temperature, ℃: 355; kinematic viscosity (20 ℃), mm2 / s : 5.22; Freezing Point ℃: -1; cold filter plugging point, ℃: 3; flash point (closed), ℃:> 55; moisture,% (V / V): traces; sulfur content,% (m / m): 0.25; mechanical impurities; no; ash,% (m / m): 0.001; chromaticity: 2.0; density (20 ℃) / (20 ℃): kg/m2: 854.6/840.6
2. diesel: Flash Point (closed) ℃: 55; Density kg/m3: 86; freezing point ℃: +5; initial boiling point ℃: 160; 10%: 199; 90%: 354; 95%: 370; sixteen alkyl value: 44; sulfur content%: 0.25